What are the
philosophies behind Filipino Martial Arts?

It’s important to remember that FMA has its roots in
warfare. The Philippines consists of over 7,000 islands with countless tribal
and ethnic groups who were often in conflict with each other. If the village a
few miles away periodically sends war parties to raid your village, you develop
some effective, easy-to-learn combat techniques.
Ii started training with Burton Richardson about 15 years ago. Even before taking up
FMA, I was interested in the art based on what I’d read. The integration of
both weapon-based and empty-hand techniques fascinated me. And I’ve always been
interested in hand-to-hand armed combat. It goes way back. My father was a
fencer, and his dad was a U.S. Marine Corps saber champion who learned machete
techniques from Filipino guerrillas while island-hopping across the Pacific
during World War II. I was playing around with real fencing foils and
quarterstaves from when I was a kid.
There are all sorts of practical reasons I’ve stayed with
FMA over the years, but to be honest a big motivator is the simple fact it’s
fun. From swinging a stick solo to going through drills with a partner to
putting on helmets and gloves and sparring, I just really enjoy it.
There is a decent-size community of FMA practitioners on
Oahu. They aren’t as visible as, say, the Brazilian Jiu-jitsu community, but they
are there. There are even a few competitions held each year.
I became an instructor in both Kali and Jeet Kune Do in
2010. I am also a purple belt in BJJ.
mentioned the three main ranges of combat (kickboxing, clinch and ground). Are
all three of these used in FMA?
Yes. Clinch and ground work especially get really
interesting when sticks are involved, and really scary when you introduce
Much of the clinch work I do and teach originates from
Silat, a martial art that originated in Southeast Asia and is practiced in
parts of the southern Philippines. Silat takedowns are particularly brutal, and
pair nicely with BJJ groundfighting.
What are some
physical and mental benefits to FMA?
FMA is great for improving coordination and reflexes. Some
of the drills require fairly complex footwork and your hands are often moving
very fast. There is so much going on your mind has to be fully engaged. The
hand-eye coordination and fancy footwork you learn in FMA carries over quite
well to other fighting arts, especially boxing.
Anyone interested in practical self-defense should do some
training in FMA. If you don’t know how to deal with the presence of a
weapon—especially a knife—you have a serious gap in your self-defense skills.
Even serious practitioners of other arts can benefit from a bit of FMA.
People who might perceive themselves to be smaller or weaker
than others can benefit from FMA because the art relies more on trickiness and
“playing dirty’ than brute strength. Antonio "Tatang" Ilustrisimo,
Grandmaster of Kalis Ilustrisimo, was sparring with young guys into his
80s and more than holding his own.
What advice would
you offer to first-timers?
As with any martial art, be patient and open-minded. Some
drills and techniques may seem odd or counterintuitive at first, but eventually
they will click and make sense. Equally important is having fun. Learning to
fight and defend yourself is serious business, but that doesn’t mean we have to
be super-serious all the time. A sense of play will make the process much more
Photos courtesy of Anthony Consillio of Consillio Photography.
Thanks to Albert Cloutier and Kathryn Xian for taking part in the photo shoot!
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