That all being said, below is my Master Reading List for 2017, in alphabetical order by title. I'll try post a list of my favorite books read last year soon.
- Anno Dracula by Kim Newman
- Bloodfire Quest: The Dark Legacy of Shannara by Terry Brooks
- The Book of Weird by Barbara Ninde Byfield
- Calix Stay: The Circle of Light, Book 3 by Niel Hancock
- The Chronicles of Solar Pons by August Derleth
- Dhampir by Barb and J. C. Hendee
- Faragon Fairingay: The Circle of Light, Book 2 by Niel Hancock
- A Feast of Sorrows: Stories by Angela Slatter
- The First King of Shannara by Terry Brooks
- Lost Worlds Vol. 1 by Clark Ashton Smith
- Pawn of Prophecy by David Eddings
- Prince of Thorns by Mark Lawrence
- Queen of Sorcery by David Eddings
- Red Sister by Mark Lawrence
- Squaring the Circle: The Circle of Light, Book 4 by Niel Hancock
- Tales of Mithgar by Dennis L. McKiernan
- Titus Groan by Mervyn Peake
- The Unlikely Ones by Mary Brown
- Wards of Faerie: The Dark Legacy of Shannara by Terry Brooks
- Witch Wraith: The Dark Legacy of Shannara by Terry Brooks
- Aikido Basics by Phong Thong Dang and Lynn Seiser
- The Art of Peace by Morehei Ueshiba, translated and edited by John Stevens
- Buddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love & Wisdom by Rick Hanson
- A Buddhist Grief Observed by Guy Newland
- Do The Work by Steven Pressfield
- Good Life, Good Death: Tibetan Wisdom on Reincarnation by Gelek Rimpoche
- The Great Compassion: Buddhism and Animal Rights by Norm Phelps
- Kindfulness by Ajahn Brahm
- Martial Virtues: Lessons in Wisdom, Courage, and Compassion from the World's Greatest Warriors by Charles Hackney
- A Plea for the Animals: The Moral, Philosophical, and Evolutionary Imperative to Treat All Beings with Compassion Hardcover by Matthieu Ricard
- The Shambhala Guide to Aikido by John Stevens
- Sit Down and Shut Up: Punk Rock Commentaries on Buddha, God, Truth, Sex, Death, & Dogen's Treasury of the Right Dharma Eye by Brad Warner
- Survive the Unthinkable: A Total Guide to Women's Self Protection by Tim Larkin
- The Sword Polisher's Record: The Way of Kung-Fu by Adam Hsu
- Turning Pro by Steven Pressfield
- The Zen Teaching of Bodhidharma, translated by Red Pine
- Angel Catbird by Margaret Atwood
- Lazarus Vol. 1 by Greg Rucka, Michael Lark
- Lazarus Vol. 2 by Greg Rucka, Michael Lark
- Lazarus Vol. 3 by Greg Rucka, Michael Lark
- Lazarus Vol. 4 by Greg Rucka, Michael Lark
(Previous years: Books Read, 2015; Books Read, 2016)
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